I have many ideas for new blog posts, but I thought it might be good to simply update you on why I have been absent form writing, and the new changes that have happened since my last blog- which was Matariki!
Tuatahi - firstly, we have moved and I am now based in the Bay of Plenty, back in my turangawaewae - my standing place - Rotorua.
I am still travelling to Tamaki Makaurau /Auckland a bit though, and will be up on Thursday 8th December for an in studio yoga class and pop up shops before Christmas.
My focus though is now firmly on teaching online, and creating online experiences and offerings that students will love, so that you can receive the gifts of yoga, where ever you may be.
I wanted to continue to share the gift of yoga, as there are sooo many gifts.
That has always been the kaupapa.
Share what I know to work - to enhance...
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