Harnessing the power of yoga for women

The feminine life force energy is considered the creative force in yoga philosophy, the energy that brings all things into physical form.


This energy is radiant and powerful, it is active and creative as well as receptive and nurturing. 


I learnt my own way of what felt right in the yoga space and what didn't when I began to practice over two decades ago.


Although most participants were women many of the classes were very ‘yang’ based - Strong physical classes that felt quite competitive at times. It often seemed that we needed to be more, do more, be more flexible, and stay longer and longer in strengthening poses. 

Many times it just didn't feel right to practice in the way I was being told to, so instead I decided to listen to what felt right to me. 


Through experimentation and observation, I came up with the way to practice that resonated with me, and my mostly female students.


Many years of research,...

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