POV - when you don't fit the 'industry standard' image for yoga -

POV - you don't fit the 'industry standard' image for yoga - 


Have you ever heard yourself say that you are too big, stiff or old to do yoga? Or maybe heard others say this, as I have heard 100's of times in my 23 years of teaching.


It's a fear that many people carry, and I too am not immune to the fears of being judged - in fact  many teachers carry shame - for not 'measuring up' to the 'standard' image of a yoga teacher. 


....And then comes the fear of being 'too old', so much so that many yoga teachers and students opt out of yoga - at precisely the time they are a well spring of knowledge, when they have the most to offer, or as a student, can benefit from it the most!


We all fear being judged, and with social media it has become a minefield, although this depends on what you look at and allow into your 'feed'.


Thankfully, there is also a growing movement happening now - a much healthier one that is embracing differences  - shape, size, gender, age and ability, ...

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Wish upon a star...

Mānawatia a Matariki - New year greetings!

During our yoga this term we spent the last two weeks setting intentions- called a Sankalpa in the yoga tradition I am trained in.


This was to honour and mark the beginning of Matariki, the re-emergence of the star cluster known as Matariki or Pleiades. To harness the energy of this powerful time, the power of the stars and ritual, to bring our desires and wishes from our hearts and minds into fruition...


The kaupapa involved focusing on one of the nine stars-


Hiwa-i-te-Rangi - The Wishing Star... 


... sending our wishes, hopes and dreams to the stars ...that is one of the roles of Matariki wā, when the star Matariki rises she brings with her her children, one of which is Hiwa-i-te-Rangi, the wishing star...so now is the time to release your wishes and dreams for the coming year.


In yoga we use the power of Sankalpa - a resolve or intention for that which you wish to bring into your life - this can be on any level; mental,...

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